Friday, August 17, 2012

August 17, 2012 - 12 Weeks!!!

Today we are 12 weeks!!!

New this week: The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. His intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his abdominal cavity about now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder.

From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long and weighs half an ounce.
You're the size of a lime

Here is my 12 week picture!!!  Dad and I will be able to hear your heart beat on Monday!!!  Jilly is coming with us too!

12 Weeks

Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 10, 2012 - 11 Weeks!

Today we are 11 weeks!!!

New this week: You're just over 1 1/2 inches long and now almost fully formed. Your hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under your gums, and some of your bones are beginning to harden.
You've already been busy kicking and stretching, and your tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as your body grows and becomes more developed and functional. You won't feel your baby's acrobatics for another month or two — nor will you notice the hiccupping that may be happening now that her diaphragm is forming.

You're the size of a fig

Friday, August 3, 2012

August 3, 2012 - 10 Weeks!

Today we are 10 weeks!!!

New this week: You have now completed the most critical portion of your development! This is the beginning of the so-called fetal period, a time when the tissues and organs in his body rapidly grow and mature.
He's swallowing fluid and kicking up a storm. Vital organs — including his kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver (now making red blood cells in place of the disappearing yolk sac) — are in place and starting to function, though they'll continue to develop throughout your pregnancy.
If you could take a peek inside your womb, you'd spot minute details, like tiny nails forming on fingers and toes (no more webbing) and peach-fuzz hair beginning to grow on tender skin.
In other developments: Your baby's limbs can bend now. His hands are flexed at the wrist and meet over his heart, and his feet may be long enough to meet in front of his body. The outline of his spine is clearly visible through translucent skin, and spinal nerves are beginning to stretch out from his spinal cord. Your baby's forehead temporarily bulges with his developing brain and sits very high on his head, which measures half the length of his body. From crown to rump, he's about 1 1/4 inches long. In the coming weeks, your baby will again double in size — to nearly 3 inches.

You're the size of a Kumquat!

You are now officially bigger than the quarter!!!

Mom is still feeling great...just really tired!  You're zapping all my energy kid!  ha